srijeda, 28. travnja 2010.


As soon as the Americans know you are listed to go to the CES, you get an onslaught of "Come-see released at Vegas!" stuff. However, one outfit has had the cunning to release their actual news of their new speakers just ahead of the show to take advantage of all the fresh keen-ness of the ready-to-pop journalists!

To which end DLS of Sweden - now distributed by Four Axis - have chosen to reveal their latest kit for launch at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on the eighth of January.

Here is their release....

DLS of Sweden is known for continuously boosting car audio performance and to set new benchmarks. And they have done it again!

A new range of Super Natural Sound-Milestones will be introduced to the mobile audio world at the CES 2009: With theSCANDINAVIA competition line DLS of Sweden is providing a perfectly aligned speaker range delivering a true licence to win sound competitions and bringing great sound performance for audiophiles on the road.

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